The Pledge of December 18, 2015

Posted by on Dec 20, 2015 in Blog | Comments Off

The Pledge of December 18, 2015

Tasneem Siddiqui

In December 2000, the UN General Assembly declared December 18 as the International Migrant Workers’ Day. The civil society in Bangladesh has been commemorating this day since 1997 and the government began to participate in the celebrations from 2009. This year, the day is being observed at local, district and national levels by various government and civil society organisations.

While observing this year’s International Migrants Day, we must remember those migrants who perished in the Bay of Bengal while pursuing their dreams to migrate to Malaysia through maritime routes. We shed tears for those who rest in mass graves of Thailand and Malaysia, express our deep condolence to those families who have lost their bread earners and console the mothers who cannot answer their children when they ask about their traceless or deceased fathers.

This is the day to extend the commitment of the government to the welfare of these families.

In the recent past, the d